Barber mentioned on Fitzy and Wippa on Australia’s Nova radio station: “I don’t think Emily is a fan. That’s OK, she’s allowed to not love it. But she blocked me.” Since then, Emily Ratajkowski addressed the situation on her podcast, stating that the whole drama with Celeste has been blown out of proportion. While she finds Barber generally funny, Ratajkowski conveys the message that she doesn’t want the comedian to imitate her anymore.
Explaining her objection, Ratajkowski said, “We really love to pick on female influencers, like they are considered the trash, lamest, most cringe, most embarrassing people on the planet. I fundamentally find that to be sexist.”
Celeste Barber continued to explain
Barber responded to the drama, saying, “I like running my mouth off. I do it a lot. I’m quick-witted – it’s one of my favorite things about me. I don’t like that I feel I can’t do that as much, and yeah, I do feel like I censor myself sometimes.” Despite the controversy, Barber remains unfazed, stating, “I mean good luck to them. You can’t win. They hate what you do one day, then you’re the greatest thing in the world the next day.”
“Body shaming is a multibillion-dollar industry and unfortunately, money talks. Companies are scared to change what they do because it’s been working for them for so long. So, we have to keep putting different excellent bodies in campaigns as much as possible, create a new norm, and watch those products sell out! The people want it but it’s the culture that’s taking a little longer to jump on board. It’s happening but nowhere near as quickly as I’d like. I’m not known for my patience.” She continued.
The Australian comedian has garnered over eight million followers by poking fun at herself
Last week, Australian comedian Celeste Barber shared one of her well-known imitation fail compilations on Instagram, this time featuring Gwyneth Paltrow. The actress promptly responded to the post with excitement, commenting, “I’VE MADE IT.” Beyond her impressive 8.5 million followers, that single comment highlights the significant impact Barber has on social media.
Reflecting on her Instagram journey, Barber said, “When I started doing the Instagram posts, I knew it was funny, I knew people would like it, but I didn’t think I’d have over eight million followers. I thought people would be over it by now – I thought I’d be over it!”
Milestone after milestone

Since introducing her signature hashtag #celestechallengeaccepted more than five years ago, the comedian has achieved significant milestones. She has graced magazine covers, authored a book, and collaborated with none other than Tom Ford. Her more recent collaboration, however, hit a bit closer to home when she unveiled a limited-edition collection with BrasNThings.
Barber collaborated closely with the design team to ensure that the pieces she created – ranging from lacy lingerie to sleepwear and comfortable underwear – authentically represented her personal style and preferences. The social media star even brought a bag of her own favorite bras to the initial meeting with the brand, including the bralette she wore on her wedding night. This hands-on approach reflects her commitment to bringing authenticity and a personal touch to the collection.