In today’s world, plastic surgery has become more accessible than ever, allowing individuals to make both subtle tweaks and dramatic transformations to their appearance. One individual who has undergone an astounding metamorphosis is Anastasia Pokreshchuk, a Ukrainian model who now boasts the title of having “the world’s biggest cheeks.”
Over the past six years, Anastasia has undergone numerous procedures, and the difference in her appearance is truly remarkable. It’s hard to believe that the person in the throwback photo is the same woman we see today.
Meet Anastasia Pokreshchuk
Anastasia Pokreshchuk, a 33-year-old Ukrainian model, has gone from having a typical and minimalist appearance to a uniquely contoured face. After undergoing a series of plastic surgeries and injections, she now proudly claims to have “the world’s biggest cheeks.”

Her journey began at the age of 26, and the transformation she has undergone since then is truly astonishing. In a recent Instagram post, she shared two pictures side by side—one from before her procedures and one from six years later—and asked her followers to choose which version of her they preferred. The post received an overwhelming response, with 22,000 likes and comments expressing support for her unique look.
Mixed Reactions
While Anastasia has received a lot of positive feedback, there are also those who are not as enthused about her dramatic change. According to the model herself, she has faced some rather nasty comments from people. However, she chooses to ignore the negativity and laugh it off. One person even commented that she resembled a character from a horror movie, while another suggested she revert to her previous appearance, saying she was more beautiful before the procedures.
Embracing her Unique Features
Anastasia’s cosmetic journey began at the age of 26, and since then, she has spent thousands of British pounds on various fillers. Her lips and cheeks have been considerably enlarged, becoming the defining features of her face.
While some may find her look unconventional, Anastasia has fallen in love with her unique features. She proudly shares her journey and updates her 82,000 Instagram followers on any future procedures she plans to undergo. Despite criticism, Anastasia remains confident and unapologetic about her appearance, stating that she believes her cheeks could be even bigger.

In fact, she recently underwent another fillers session to further enhance her cheeks, documenting the entire process on social media. Not only did she showcase her new look confidently, but she also expressed her satisfaction and happiness with the outcome. Anastasia even mentioned that she regularly performs injections on other parts of her face herself.
With her growing popularity and distinctive appearance, Anastasia Pokreshchuk serves as a reminder that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Her journey is a testament to the possibilities of cosmetic procedures and the transformative power they hold.