Lisa Whelchel is most known for her role as the preppy Blair Warner on the popular 70’s and 80’s sitcom “The Facts of Life”. Blair, a teenager on the show, was known to always have another brilliant idea, and the role propelled Whelchel to fame easily.However, Whelchel’s Christian morals ultimately helped her to make a very important decision when the makers of the show wanted to include a storyline where Blair lost her virginity. However, Whelchel’s Christian morals ultimately helped her to make a very important decision when the makers of the show wanted to include a storyline where Blair lost her virginity. “So, when I heard that was going to be one of the storylines for that year, I did come to the producers and say, ‘I don’t think I can be a part of that.’ Because for one thing, I really felt a big responsibility of knowing that there were young girls watching this show and that you can’t deal with that topic in 20 minutes with a couple of commercials,” Lisa explained.